Health is an Investment, Not an Expense

Black Sesame (100 Gm)

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cost-breakup purchase price ₹18.00
cost-breakup purchase price ₹18.00
cost-breakup processing ₹5.00
cost-breakup processing ₹5.00
cost-breakup packaging ₹9.00
cost-breakup packaging ₹9.00
cost-breakup freight ₹5.00
cost-breakup freight ₹5.00
cost-breakup tax ₹1.85
cost-breakup tax ₹1.85
cost-breakup truecost ₹39.00
cost-breakup truecost ₹39.00


Sesame seeds (ellu in Kannada, til in Hindi), despite their tiny size, are a valuable cash crop. It is popularly called til or gingelley. They come from the Sesamum indicum plant, which is native to Africa but is now found mostly throughout Asia, with Myanmar and India the largest producers. The major producer of sesame seeds in India are W.Bengal, Gujarat, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. Sesame is one of the oldest oilseed crops. It is an oil-yielding crop, with oil content of 4o to 5o%. Sesame is a very good source of protein, helps in preventing diabetes, reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, aids digestion, alleviates anaemia; sesame seeds protect liver from alcohol, helps in preventing wrinkles, bone health and to prevent osteoporosis.


High Protein; Cardiovascular Health; Anti-Cancer Properties; Digestive Health; Respiratory Health; Oral health

Remedy for

Diabetes, Anemia, Cholesterol

Nutritional Values (Mg per 100 gm)

Carotene - 60 mg

Thiamine - 1.01 mg

Riboflavin - 0.34 mg

Niacin - 4.4 mg

Folic acid - 51 mg

Copper - 2.29 mg

Manganese - 1.32 mg

Zinc - 12.2 mg



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