Health is an Investment, Not an Expense

Sugar Brown (1 Kg)

In stock
How is it so affordable?
cost-breakup purchase price ₹76.00
cost-breakup purchase price ₹76.00
cost-breakup processing ₹19.00
cost-breakup processing ₹19.00
cost-breakup packaging ₹8.00
cost-breakup packaging ₹8.00
cost-breakup freight ₹5.00
cost-breakup freight ₹5.00
cost-breakup tax ₹5.42
cost-breakup tax ₹5.42
cost-breakup truecost ₹114.00
cost-breakup truecost ₹114.00


Brown sugar is a sucrose sugar product with a distinctive brown color due to the presence of molasses. It is either an unrefined or partially refined soft sugar consisting of sugar crystals with some residual molasses content. Because of its molasses content, brown sugar does contain certain minerals, most notably calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. Brown sugar can used just as white sugar. But traditionally it is used in sweetening baked goods, sauces, marinades, and even bacon. It's also made into a sugar syrup, often with spices, to flavor beverages.


Improves Digestion; It Is Antiseptic; Provides Skin Protection.

Remedy for

Obesity, Cold, Asthma

Nutritional Values ( Per 100 gm)

Protein - 0.1 gm

Minerals - 0.1 gm

Carbohydrates - 99.4 gm

Energy - 398 kcal

Calcium - 12 mg

Phosphorus - 1 mg

Iron - 0.155 mg

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